
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Yay, Rudy!

According to the Wall Street Journal (sub req'd), Candidate Rudy is getting ready to propose his health plan. His plan involves reducing the tax break for employer-provided insurance, pushing people to buy their insurance individually, but not forcing everyone to buy insurance and subsidizing it for the poor (as they did in Massachusets). Now, I'm no expert, but it seems to me that this plan would:

1) Make insurance more expensive for most people, especially senior citizens
2) Make the process of getting and keeping health insurance more uncertain and stressful for most people, and
3) Make it more likely that if people's health deteriorates in the future, they'll be forced to pay more for coverage or denied coverage.

In other words, it seems like it was pretty much designed to take all of the things that people dislike about our health care system now and make them worse.

Thanks, Rudy!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Dept. of Bad Luck

How much would it suck to have your long-awaited lung crash into Lake Michigan just before you were supposed to get your transplant?

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